I am using this phone since Nov 2007. Just to tell you in a few words, this is an excellent phone and worth your money. I am using TATA connection with this phone. In some reviews I read that its shell is bit flimsy; its true, but it wont bother you once u r used to the handset. Camera works excellent in daytime. I transfered the pics to my PC and got decent looks.
In an another review I read that the MP3 songs that you put in the MicroSD card cannot be set as ringtones, this is totally a wrong information, at least in India, we can change every MP3s to ringtone in this handset, there is no digital rights issue involved. Volume increase/decrease bar/button at the side is quite stiff and rigid. Menus are easily accessable. This handset is the best CDMA handset available in the market now. FM radio reception is decent. MicroSD card slot is placed under the battery, but I never felt its irritating because once you insert a 1 GB or 2 GB card in it, u wont remove it frequently, do u?
The display is quite nice. Charging takes 3-4 hours for me using the charger provided by the manufacturer, but I read somewhere that "slow charging means long life to battery and fewer chances of burns or accidents". Once charged, my phone lasts for 3 days with reasonable usage.