After spending a long time with a prehistoric Nokia phone it was time for a change. The fact that I had lost two camera phones and another expensive (albiet non camera) one was stolen made my decision to go in for a new one even more difficult.
So the day finally came (last Sunday) when I walked into a showroom and asked to see some new models.
After seeing a few of them across brands - I spotted the 6280. It seemed content to be with itself away from the so called aam junta. The minute I took the phone in my hands I was hooked. The slider was just like a ballerina floating over ice while skating, it felt as solid as a rock and did not look kiddish.
It has a great 2 MP camera and a dual one to boast off. Edge capability, bluetooth etc, it has the works. However it only comes with a 64MB card so I suggest that u go in for the 1 gb upgrade along with the purchase of this phone.
Very clear sound, visuals - even the way to put on the strap is different.
It was way ahead of the rest in its class and at a price of sub 19K (with bill and guarantee card ).