I had sold my Nokia 3200 and bought a 6300, I was thrilled with its style and look . Its realy sexy and as usual its easy to use thaks nokia for its ultimate software.
But I am so sad about its Sound quality(esp. volume) and battery backup. I am not a heavy phone user still battery lasts for 1.5 days:( . and Now I think I should have bought Sony erricson would be a better choice when considering sound quality and Camera
Work wise it offers you the regular calendar, notes etc which are the regular nokia features. The GPRS function allows you to browse and download from the net at ease.
I really could not have asked for more - carrying the phone makes me feel really stylish and the features are fun.
I would recommend this phone to anyone who wants all of the above combination in one.
Work wise it offers you the regular calendar, notes etc which are the regular nokia features. The GPRS function allows you to browse and download from the net at ease.
I really could not have asked for more - carrying the phone makes me feel really stylish and the features are fun.
Price: 8700
Shape: Sexy - Ultimate
Sound - Sorry to say but Bad
Battery - disappointing
Ease of use - excellent
Feature - Rich