It is a business phone indeed. I used it for 2 years it was the 1st phone to have multiple nos. On the same persons name.
The fun stuff such as composing tones and screensavers is not there.
GPRS and bluetooth is very helpful I used the bluetooth wireless headphone with it.
The best feature was the infrared where I would backup all my data on my laptop, once my phone needed repair I lost all my data but restored it from the backup on the PC.
It stores hundreds of SMSs which many phones at that time could not do, they had a limit.
The modem speed on this is excellent.
WAP functions very well.
Battery life was amazing.
Many times when I was lazy to punch in SMSs I would link it onto the laptop by infrared and then type on the laptop and SMS with a Nokia provided software.
Its an old phone now, but one of my favourites from Nokia.