6600 - I purchased just beacause of brand name and 100%recommendation from mouthshut, and 7.3/10 rating in other sites. But frankly speaking I found best things as below:
- Infrared comm with laptop does fine: you can copy photoes/vdo clips/ado clips
backup to laptop.
Good quality pics, it is becouse of 65K colors.
Big screen, in monoblock.
Worst Things :
- Autolock for key pad time is 1 min:
Ooops this is worst thing that this phone can lock automatically only after 1min, which is very bad, other basic phones have min 1 sec as autolock period.
Complete backup of whole phone files through infrared is not working!! cannot take sms backup!!!
Cellphones means it should first satisfy the phone features. Ringtones are only for those who sits in AC rooms/cars not for Indian condition, traffic or crowded palcese. Ring tones are very slow. Down loaded monophonic works same as polyphonic or midi. ;-)