Have u check out the all new 6600 yet? If black is the color of satan, this is one phone for the devil worshipper in u. In one word this phone rocks.
Lets check out some of the features that make this all black beauty stand out.
Well for starters, the all black exterior body is sure to make heads turn and is definetely going to be the talk of the office for sheer looks if not for the features.
But apart from the looks theres something more to offer than its predecessor.
Firstly theres a more roomy 64 mb card in comparison to the older 32 mb card, which allows u to store more ringtones, mp3, videos, games...u name it, u store it ! These can be tranferred from ur PC onto the phone via bluetooth, infrared or a data cable.
Secondly the software bundled onto the card can do much more for you in terms office data storage, office data tranfer as well office data editing. How is all this possible?
The software is termed quickoffice and it opens, reads and edits data in word (.doc), excel (.xls) and powerpoint (*.ppt) formats. Aint that cool. Well theres something else...
Remember the time when u make a powerpoint presentation and ur best freind sits on ur laptop shifting slides forwards or backwards. You have to keep saying next please and occasionally he goes ahead too fast or too slow. Well those days are over...
Becoz now, there is another software called Nokia Presenter inbuilt into the phone memory card that lets u control ur powerpoint presentation from phone by setting ur desired keys.The control is via bluetooth or infrared...
If thats not enuff reason to change ur old 6600, then theres also softwares like push to talk a feature not supported by our Indian network as yet, but it can let u communicate like a walky-talkie within ur friend circle.
Other softwares like oracle (internet browser) and media editor (video clip editing), make this new and improved version a true value for money....
Best of all is the resale value. I was using the older 6600 (just over 1 yr old) and upgraded to the new one by putting in just Rs 4, 300.
Did I mention that the new phone also acesses data at a fater rate than the old one...So why are you still stuck with the old ..?