Nokia 6600 one of the best multimedia phone that Nokia has ever launched in the market. This was my first ever phone that I purchased during my college. This was a flawless phone during 2005s. This phone changeD the world with its feature & raised a revolution in the market.
There was no competition at that point of time. The camera helped to keep, store & click some beautiful moments. The joy stick help to play game like Sky Fore & Sky Force Reloaded. The curvy edge stylish look make one go mad for this phone. This phone supported the .jar & .jad files & application was easily available in the website.
The Nokia 6600 phone got discontinued however the Symbian phone did not require an updated like we need update in todays new devices in Android or iOS phones. This phone was available in two colors. Black and White & Grey.
The Bluetooth revolution started from this phone where people use to share pictures & videos without any charges.
The multimedia & smartphone revolution started from here.