Well, after reviewing many many web sites for about 2-3 weeks, I finally decided to go for purchase of nokia 6610 phone. So now it was time to sale off my crap gd68 Panasonic mobile phone with color display since it lacks in
many excepts including smart ringtones and battery life. If you want to read more about this phone check out my previous review on it. I sold it to one of my friend for Rs.4000/- -- I bought it for Rs.10000/- in Nov 2002 :(.
Ok, now I finally gathered some money and went to my local market to buy this phone. Well, I bought this phone for Rs.12150/- after negotiations but I was not satisfied from the fact the phone was not available with bill and
warranty and all local shop keepers refused to provide me with bill. The one was providing phone with bill but was asking for Rs.2000/- more and wasnt promising any warranty on it. Hence I bought this phone without bill (sales tax dudes are you reading this, hehehe).
anyway, I bought this phone and now I was very happy with my new stylish baby. Originally the phone was available only with whitish kinda panel, which didnt looked stylish at all so I purchased one non-original express-on cover with beige color and it looks cool on my new nokia 6610 phone.
Now I will tell ya about some of its features one by one.
When you will turn on this phone you will see nokia advertisement errrrr, I mean nokia logo with very dull sound effects, nokia should have kept loud sound to attract near by chicks/people when I turn on this phone >;-).
It has Cool 4096 Color Display. You can have wallpapers and operators logo, network information (like city display), date and time display etc. Its really attractive believe me. also, it has long (6) lines/bars/towers for battery and network status which is good.
Ringtones: This phones ringtones are really loud. Even polyphonic ringtones also sound loud. It can play both kind of ring tones. Normal ringtones (you can use them as any other nokia phone) and polyphonic ring tones. You can download both types of ring tones from web site, operator or from your friends mobile phone through sms.
All you radio fans out their hold your breaths, it has built in radio. You can program upto 20 FM stations and can listen to them while you are in train, bus or bore. This feature is not at all useful for me because I am never free and never listen to radio, if I do, I am driving somewhere.
This phone has very good menu navigation as in all nokia phones. You can personalize your profiles for different times, example when you are in movie theaters or in meeting you can create profile with silent name and put the different ringtones, vibrating and low sound levels etc. or keep it quite and can have many profiles like that.
This phone can send and receive text and multimedia messages (MMS) with pictures logos and ringtones and have very good typing space. The keys of this phone are designed properly and you can really type very fast messages, if you are good mobile typist. This also have all usual fancy stuff, like T9 and symbols in typing pad. It also have GPRS connectivity, through which you can surf internet by using your phone as modem. ( I have not yet tested it on P.C. because I dont have data cable yet. cost Rs.3200/-).
This phone also have very good alarm clock function and it sounds very good (from low to loud in few seconds) and it really wakes me up in morning. I read somewhere it also have feature like if you phone is turned off and you setup alarm it asks you weather you want your phone to switch on after you disable the alarm and want to wake up the phone but I have not yet tried it. ok, I will try it now and will tell ya, ok, confirmed it works just like I read it. it also have snooze function where you can tell alarm to ring again after few minutes (i guess so).
Gallery Folder: This folder also have one gallery option where you can create/delete folders and can organize your images, ringtones in them.
Organizer, yes this phone have organizer and to-do list with alarm, after all this phone is nokias official executive phone, so it should be having this option.
Games: By default this phone have 2 games. 1. chess puzzle (i havent played it yet). 2. Bounce, this game is very good and you will enjoy it when you are bore or waiting for someone. You can also download more games from internet or from your p.c.
This phone also have some applications menu, like sync with p.c. and access to club nokia, but I have not yet tried it.
Extra Menu: In this menu you will find CALCULATOR, COUNTDOWN TIMER and STOPWATCH functions. They work just fine and are very useful if you are sports fan or car driver who wants to track down his car 0 to 60 speed ;)
It also have built in browser and all other usual stuff. This phone also support multiple languages and have built in help for every option in the phone, you just need to turn help text on and leave the key for 4-5 seconds on any option and then display will turn into description for that particular option.
BATTERY LIFE: this phone have good battery life, I was able to have 2 days of standby time and around 60 minutes of talk time before my battery indicator shown very low (1 bar) and lots of playing on phone (since my phone is new every friend of mine keep checking ringtones and blah blah so its sure to give me less battery time). So, I can say this phone has good battery life. It takes it around 1 hour 30 minutes to get fully charge.
I read some places nokia have also launched one more model 6100 which is similar to this but without radio but its not available in the market. Ok here is summary for you, if you didnt read all my crap above ;)
Very attractive 4096 color display
Loud Ringtones, can play both polyphonic and normal nokia style ringtones in loud sound.
Bunch of features, like GPRS, MMS, scheduler, to-do list, radio, games etc.
Express on covers really add to your mood and changes phone looks totally.
Good battery life
Shows time + date in screen display and show time stamp as screen saver.
Good Network, this phones network is very good and I never had any network problems.
Expensive, cost 12k, fortune for average college dude. >=)
No camera and I am sure it wont comes in this price.
This phone do not have screen savers and shows you time clock as screen saver after 15 minutes (you can set this time).
Also, nokia 7250 have built in camera, but be aware 7250 keypad sucks and is not good for SMS typing.
Buying Tips:
You can check serial number, manufactring date, purchasing date, reparied date, life timer etc., by typing this command *#92702689# . Note, you need to turn off and turn on the phone again after you type this command. This command caused no damage so dont worry and check it.
type this command to check for software version *#0000#
The phones comes in 2 mades, 1. made in phinland (about rs.500-rs.1000 costly then 2nd made>>). 2. made by nokia, I guess in china or tiwan or somewhere. You can check this on back side of phone after removing battery. mine is made by nokia and works fine.
Well, If you are looking for new nokia phone and can afford this price, I would highly recommend this phone to you. This phone is stylish and comes with bunch of useful features. So, Keep Talking and take care of yourself. :).