Over the last year or so the nokia 6600, with its large screen, seems to have become very popular in india. You will rarely see single bollywood movie in which one of the characters doesnt have a 6600. So when the time came to get a cell phone I decided to get a 6600. When I got to the cell phone store, The owner had a 6600 w/T-Mobile and 6620 w/Cingular. But then he said if you want something better then those 2 try this one- a Nokia 6630. It has about the same size screen as the 6600. It has a 1.3 megapixel camara with 6x variable zoom, night mode, sequence mode, and self timer. You can record video for upto 1 hour, view images in a slide show and edit your images with adobe photoshop. You can edit your movies using movie editor. This phone also has MP3 music capabilty so you can listen to songs. EDGE and 3G via WCDMA networks make it possible to have wireless broadband internet. One can vidoe conference via the WCDMA network. And of course it has MMS capabilty. It comes with a 64 MB memory card. IT CAN be a little bulky and big at times but is worth it because of all its features espicially the big screen. the only problems that I seem to be having with it is that it turns off by itself sometimes when there are no bars showing (the reception). Other than that it is a great phone. My service is with Cingular. I bought it because I wanted something different. nIts worth getting for sure