I used this phone for about 6 months before exchanging it for sony K750i.
Basically 6630 is like any other symbian phone from nokia except its camera which is very good.
Infact nokia promoted 6630 as imaging phone.Camera really takes nice pictures when in daylight.
In the night camera is useless, too bad nokia missed the flash.
Other notable feature is that, the 6630 is a 3G model.However you will have to buy a separate camera to enable video call and if your netwotk is 3g enabled.
Mp3 playback is very nice, and sound from its speaker is reasonably loud and clear.
In-Call sound reception is also good.
Other difference I noted between 6630 other symbian phones like 7610, 6670, 6600 is that 6630s processor is really fast, It opens applications faster as compared to above mentioned phones.
Now coming to the shortcomings-
I had a very bad experience with phones OS, which kept hanging time to time.
Also If you are kind of tech-junkie who like to install many softwares on their phones, beware! 6630 is not very stable with 3rd party apps, as experienced by me.
One perticularly nasty incident was when I installed MobiCall.( a well known and very popular blutooth chat app).MobiCall which works very well in 7610 and even in 6600, drove my 6630 to dead piece of plastic!It absolutely refused to go beyond start-up screen!
Only option was to format and reinstall evrything.
And same thing happened again and then one more time.In all I formatted my 6630 three times!!!!!!
But ofcourse this is for nerds like me!
If you use phones just to call and send SMSs then 6630 is very good.
Battery lasted for 2-2.5 days even after my abuse and heavy dose of games on it.
The one function I truly missed was flash.And thats the reason I got rid of it and bought SE K750i.