Hi I have got this phone for like 5 months now and trust me this is one phone id like to keep forever not because of some particular feature it has but the overall features that I have come across while using this phone.This is a detailed review that I have explored of the nokia MID range phones.I think they can be helpful if you are trying to get a mobile out of these three :
This is My first detailed review on nokia 6630, 3230, 6681
3230 vs 6630 vs 6681
I will discuss these three models in detail and simple language....
may be it will be helpful to u.
History of my previos handsets
nokia 2100
nokia 3100
Lg G1800(i have this now also.and I like it)
nokia 6630 (best among all the phones)
my 3 frinds have 3230. I have 6630. and 2 frinds have 6681. I got my 6630 four days ago.after reserching 2 months on the web and reading almost all forums and stuff available on the net. I went for 6630.
* Let us discuss about three phones. which I had considered before buying 6630..
3230 - 104 MHZ (slower)
6630 - 223 MHZ (faster than 3230)
6681 - 223 MHZ
symbian os
3230 V7.0
6630 V8.0 bugs fixed. more ability
6681 V8.0
3230 BL 5B
6630 BL 5c(best)
6681 BL 5c (" ")
nokia has BL series like bl 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Among them Bl 5 is latest and I think best.
6630 has talktime upto 3 hours(3g on) and 6 hours ( 3g off). enough for everybody..
3230 has talktime upto 11 hours. because its processor is slow. stand by time of all three is almosy same..
3230 best
6630 normal
6681 normal
technically all are same. but 3230 is best according to me.
mp3 player
3230 worse... its mono..
6630, 6681 strereo and best
3D Games
3230 supported
6630 supported
6681 not supported.. go through other sites and ull see this.
phone memory
more phone memory = more speed.and runs big application also..
3230 6mb
6630 10mb great than others
6681 8mb
memory card included in pack
3230 32mb
6630 64mb
6681 64mb
I recommend to add memory cards of following size for good(bearable) performance and good size
3230 128mb. since slow proccessor, low ram
6630 512mb required for mp3
6681 512mb "" ""
3230 bad
6630 excellent
6681 excellent
in asia 3230 is manufactured in china. and shiped to asian contries.anyone can see the difference in 3230 it feels like cheap plastic. 6630, 6681 are manu.in finland.. and imported to asia.. their build quality is best.
according to many people
3230 better
6630 good. bulky.(only negative factor)
6681 best
according to me
i like all three. but 6630 looks great. I am fan of it.and doesnt matter. its trend of big phones :-)
3230 half. only for uploading.
6630 full
6681 full
leave kbps.(b= bit)
well consider kBps(B=byte, actual file size is in this format.)
if I leave one big file for downloading then I get
3230 5-6 kBps, 13 to 16 mb per hour
6630 18-20 kBps 50-64mb per hour(by edge. no 3G available in india)
6681 same as 6630
i have tested all on pc. now posting this from 6630 connected to pc.
3230 uopload fast. but download by normal GPRS. so no use for me.
3G support. soon will be available in india
much faster than edge
3230 not supported
6630 supported
6681 not supported
almost same for all.and doesnt matter much
Data cable
3230 not included in pack
6630 included
6681 included
its worth Rs 1200
(RS=India currency. 1$=47 Rs)
headset included
3230 normal
6630 grey like nylon. one of the best.
6681 pure white. one of the best.
3230 headacke... bit difficult
6630 comparatively better
6681 best
user interference
3230 best. as its os is 7.
6630, 6681 bit difficult, because more powerful os.and can do more things
push to talk
i dont know what is it. and doesnt matter. because no friend of mine uses it
3230 supported
6630 not supported
6681 I dont know
s60 applications
3230 most of it works
6630 most of it works
6681 most of them DONT work
price india, 28-march-2006
3230 Rs- 11, 100
6630 Rs- 11, 650
6681 Rs- 14, 500
hot swap
dont ask what is it. I know it. but tired of typing...
ok.. its... u can remove memory card withouth shutting phone off. and u dont have to remove cover also.
3230 no
6630 yes
6681 yes
FM radio
3230 yes
6630 no
6681 yes
doesnt matter for me.
CD with software
3230 no
6630 yes
6681 yes
( "~~~~~~" = best acc. to me)
3230= 11100+1200(data cable)=12300
6630=11650 ~~~~~~
FM radio
-Better Disply.
-plays all applications, 3D games
-full EDGE,
-" 3G "support ,
-best mp3
-battery performance
-build quality,
-very vey fast than previos model 3230
-removable covers
-plays all applications, 3D games ~~~~~~
-Solid look,
-big impression on others,
-fm radio,
-battery life.
again ~~~~~~ means better
-lack of " 3G "
-full EDGE
-very slow
-bad mp3
-cheap plastic
-no data cable
-not stable. cant say whaen it is going to hang.
-no FM(doesnt matter for me),
-others find it bulky. but I like it ~~~~~~
-no FM,
-NO 3G,
-No 3D games,
-doesnt play almost all the s60 applications
-not so stable
6630 is the winner. just go and buy it
Now the best part is here.
I know its very difficult to find free 3gp videos, movies, clips etc on net.
but I have found one good site after long search....
its free
no registration. download
accelerator, manager can be used..
its legal
try it
free ngage games
here u can find all ngage games, s60 applications for free.
just register and enjoy.
site is. dont forget to scroll down...
http://www.ovao.com (for free thousands of 3gp)
http://www.s60addict.co.nr (best I have found ever all ngage games and all s60 applications)
If you like this reveiw please e-mail me at catchluckie@yahoo.com