Hi guys
its a neat phone, good stuff. does what most others do. but there is one issue. the symbian application aint that fast. gets hung up. I bought mine all inclusive for 13 k. with data card, nokia pc suite etc. 5k more and I could have had the 6680, which has done away with the application issue. on the whole a good deal.
my next step would be either the Treo or Nokia E 70 smart pocke pc phones. which says a lot about 6670...a good phone,
i have been able to sync all my lap to details - MS outlook schduler, contacts, sms, tasks, calender. its really handy. the video quality and photo quality and very satisfaying.
little bulky, but u get used to it. no problems. other phones you guys can look at are 6681 / 6680/7610. if you are low on budget - 6021. blue tooth, nokia pc suite, IR, PTT, MMS, without symbian application. costs 7 grand only. worth it