Got this phone about 2 weeks back.. this is my first 3G phone.
The good things >>
Runs on Symbian S60 operating system - so you can download lots of tools, games and other programs.. most programs work well.
Has memory expansion.. Get a 512MB card (costs about £30 in the UK) and youll not need another mp3 player. Headphone sound quality & output is good.
Phone plays AAC music format which is generally about 40-50% of the size of a similar sounding mp3.. So I would recommend you convert your MP3s to AAC.. (Nero can do that).. So a 512MB card should hold about 300 songs - need more !? Get an 60GB Ipod then !
Speaker is good and plays music quite decently.
Screen is big and change the screen settings to brightest and it look very good !
(I believe it does not incrementally drain much battery)
Would have liked >>
Camera is good for a 1.3Megapixel but no auto focus - though I would have liked 2MP & auto focus in which case I should have gotten a SE K750i or a nokia N70/N90 but I did not have the money :(
No Radio - again N70 is the model if you want that and it costs more..
The headphone socket is nokia proprietary.. cant connect the phone output to a stereo system for music.
If you already have the phone, you should get hold of FExplorer, & Taskspy programs. For more programs & info, get to this review link.. more detailed & very useful >>
Overall, a good phone to have. No complains. Looks good (IMO), works flawlessly, no signal reception issues.. recommended.