I upgraded my cell from 7610 to 6681...it is the most sexy cell phone available in the market today !! I wud highly recomend this cell...it has all the features required along wid da looks and faster processing as compared to 7610....The Nokia 6681 is designed to put more multimedia power in your hands. in stereo audio with the integrated music player, removable Reduced-sized MultiMedia Card (RS-MMC).High-speed Web browsing over EDGE .High-resolution display with up to 262, 144 colors...
The 1.3 megapixel integrated digital camera with flash and slide for camera protection and control is also a thing of beauty...It also has Automatic brightness control for display.. Options for night, brightness adjustment, image quality, self-timer, white balance settings, and color tones... Multimedia messaging: Combine image, video, text, and voice clip and send as MMS to a compatible phone or PC; use MMS to tell your story with a multi-slide presentation
Automatic resizing of your megapixel images to fit MMS (max. 300 KB attachment size depending on the network)
Text messaging: Supports concatenated SMS, picture messaging, SMS distribution list
the only disadv is da absence of FM... else it is a marvel ....highly recomended.