Nokia 6708 has very executive look and has all features one executive can expect.
These were the things which made me to buy.
Paying a huge amount would necessarily raise the expectation. But this modelhas crumbled in very basic usage. It has been bad experience as it crashed manytimes while getting an incoming call.
List of the defects:
1– Crashes on incoming call (While ringing)
2– When searching for Bluetooth devices Camera switches on automatically
3– Quick excel application goes to hang mode when any format in applied
4– Photo quality is very poor, where a particular color is highlighted forgreater degree of area.
5– Device basic application response time is slow, even though there is lot offree memory space.
6– Performance inconsistency.
7– Does not keep the profile as it is, OEM Ring tone(NOKIA) it self isdisappeared in general profile, while it can be brought back to list byactivating other set of profiles.
Above all Nokia service center process was very degrading and there executives were arrogant, I’m tired with these guys there much more to say.