Awesome piece this one is... I bought this 6800 a month back around 40 days back and its one hell of a device. The keyboard thingie is awesome, which was one reason I bought this. Actually I always hated Nokias cause all of them right from 3310 to this one has the same Menu and stuff...but this one has a Thumb Keyboard. Believe me its awesome.
It will take you abt three days or less and you will be an sms master. And if u have GPRS, this has an amazing advantage. You can send long emails without keying in 333888990 repeatedly. Its fantastic. The keyboard lights up with the touch of a button and look chick. The mat finish infra red port is as sexy as ever and the keypad unlocks automatically the moment u unfold the phone. Battery life is decent when u dont use GPRS.
Speaker phone too is very clear when you driving the car etc or even at home. three more of my friends got it the day after I bought mine. Considering a price of 8000 bucks(with insurance and warranty) its one hell of a device.
Oh yes, there is one problem. Its a little uncomfortable keeping it in the Jeans pocket. and it tends to get scratched by the metal button near the right pocket in a Levis. Though I have been saving it till now. I dont know how long will I hold on.
But dont forget to buy a cable also for the cellif you have a PC. you can do wonders with this cell if you can sync it up with the PC. Put ur snaps, logos and send SMSs thru the PC.
A great phone to own for sure...