I was impressed to the core when I first saw the Nokia 7110. It was love at first sight.The moment I saw it I decided that I had to buy it at any cost.But it took me almost 3 months to buy one for myself, thanks to the non-availability of the phone and the heavy price on it. After acquiring it, I think I must have spent a whole night exploring its world of features. I would call it the best phone that has hit the markets from the Nokia stable.It boasts of contemporary looks which is supplemented by the attractive slide cover that no other mobile can boast of.Located at the back, on top , just beneath the external antennae, is a shining button which when pressed catapults the slide cover to open and reveal the set of keys. The most captivating feature of the Nokia 7110 is its wonderful and unamiginable Navi-Roller interface.This feature is unique only to the 7110 and there is no other phone that can boast of such a user-friendly feature.Next, coming to the screen it is a large screen which enables the user to read text with ease. Again, no other phone has a display screen as big as this. Now, coming to the important functions like calculator, calendar etc, I would definitely say that it has all the features of a digital diary. In short, NOKIA 7110 combines the features of a phone with that of a digital diary. So, one need not carry a digital diary separately. Imagine its mammoth memory which can store
1000 names.Again, unique to the Nokia 7110 is its dual memory feature.The phone memory allows you to store more than 2 numbers under a single name.The main advantage of having a phone memory is that you dont have any problems even if different SIM cards are used on the same phone.Quite a number of my friends have an eye on my phone and I already have so many offers.But do you think I can afford to do away with my sweet little phone? NEVER !!. Last, but not the least I would say that the NOKIA 7110 is one helluva phone which adds value to an individual and I feel proud for possessing one.