*within 24hrs of purchase of this hand set the following problems appreared.
1) Radio auto set frequency did not capture all channels.
2) On shaking the phone, the playing video or music gets hanged automatically.
3) Vioce trembels while playing videos if you try making the video full screen or removing or inserting the headset
4) In sun-light the matter on screen is not visible
5) While making calls, the voice is not audible unless it is set to maximum. Even while listening to music the sound seems breaking into your ears and is not clear.
6) FM signals are not at all clear, even if you are standing in the open air and your other phone has the clear recption
Guys I recommend not to make the mistake of buying this set.
And most importantly, I fought with the dealer and got the cell changed.
Buy at your own risk. Wastage of Money.*