I have been a victim of this nokia model the Nokia 7710. I was using a 6670 before this and I made this mistake of going for a buy back on my current beautifully working 6670 for a new nokia 7710.
I was so excited and happy to bring this phone home. But my happiness did not last for long. It was only a few days, before I gave back this phone to the dealer at a loss of couple of thousands of rupees...
Here is my one week experience:
Like I said I got the phone with lot of excitement and anxiety... I always had this as my dream phone... I also looked at the 9300 communicator, SE 910i and the O2 Mini. And I went for the Nokia 7710
Firstly, it costed 20k. And the other options I had costed atleast a 5k more....
And then, this phone was loaded with features. The radio, the ringtones, the ability to play with office applications. and many more features... which need not be listed here.
So, I got the box home, and I was so happy that I got my dream handset and was all excited about using it.
I got the the phone started and made my first few calls. Started exploring all the features and was pretty glad about it. Got the phone connected to my laptop using bluetooth, synced my outlook for my contacts and appointments. And then I declared that I got THE GREATEST phone that I had dreamt of. All the PDA features, a phone, FM radio, and what not....
I used it happily for 3 days and then, I started facing issues connecting the phone using bluetooth to my laptop. I restarted the phone couple of times and my laptop also. But the problem still existed. Please note here, that I had not installed any applications or try-buy software on my phone at all... The only thing I ever did was Outlook 2003 sync up and uploading of my XLS files to the phone and a few photographs that I took from this phone.
Well, I tried to then connect the phone using USB and THE GREATEST phone was not even detected. And I had now realised that my phone is got screwed up and there is some serious problem. And even now, I fail to understand how all these problems started. And then, I just started exploring options on the phone to see if there is some setting I need to do for the USB connectivity. And my phone started hanging up. And I tested the phones for literally everything and the phone used to just hang up. And the there was this another problem with the phone, where the currently selected item appeared blank. An example, if you are editing a contact, and ur current selection was the last name, the label last name appeared blank, and this happened to any current selection for any options, not just contacts. By this much, I was already hurt by the fact that I gave away my working 6670 and got this phone.
The next day, I went to Nokia Service Center in bangalore, and man.... there was a queue of people there.... I talked to the customer care female there after waiting in a queue, and she asked me to directly meet the technical person on the next floor... and there was rush of frustated customers having problems with their handsets. And I took me 1/2 hour to meet some technical person. And he took 1/2 hour to check just the USB problem, and I was told that I need to submit my handset and then they would first reset the OS (1 complete working day for this job) and if the problem, doesnot solve then, they would replace the defective component if found (atleast ONE WEEK). I asked for replacement, and they said they need to send it to delhi for that... Oh ho... that was getting over my head...
I took the handset back with me and went to the dealer and asked him to replace it back. And then, I got phone for it. Obviously, I did not take the nokia 7710 again. I took the Nokia 6681 in return.
I faced a big loss in this deal but I guess it was my bad luck/dream that I got a bad piece. Anyways, Nokia is the leader in mobile phones. And now I think that the 7710 is model that did not do well in the market. Now, I have started observing, that it is not hit model in the market. To make sure, about my experience, I just went to few dealers, and inquired about buying 7710 and 90% of these dealers, asked me not to buy it... This made my doubts more stronger.
Well... I should have used this money instead somewhere else and invested it somewhere... But well... I learnt it the hard way... 20k for a phone with problems.... I was hurt...
And for some time I felt, is it worth spending this much money on phones? Well.. no... until or unless you are a business man and are really going to use the phone for all its features... What I have seen among some people is, people buy phones for the features and really donot need those features and you actually spend huge amount of money on it - becos of the features, that you really may not be needing....
Anyways, this is my review, as this has been a part of my experience.... There are positive reviews of this phone. And there are some people who have been happy using it for quite some time now...
Well... finally... before I end my review, if you are planning to buy a nokia 7710, please read reviews on the internet first, check with dealers for how this phone is selling in the market...
And I think, you might as well want to put in 5-7k more and go for the communicator 9300, SE 910i or the O2 mini... which all are 25k+... Again, please do a complete research before putting such big money into a PHONE... and make sure, you take a tried and tested model.