I was wowed by the looks. I mean 16 bit color with a real good resoultion is no small thing for a phone.
I first saw a ad on some weekly mag went to the nokia site studied about it and then visited various forums dedicated to the purpose. the general consensus there was that this was being touted as a smart media phone, which it really is. But many complained about the repsonse and sluggishness of the GUI. Which can be corrected if the phone firmware is upgraded to 4.0.1.
I in turn looked to whether it allows easy pop/imap access, EDGE , document storage, spreadsheet etc. in short a small handheld version of my laptop. And above all the biggest screen size of all.
To my pleasant surprise it did. So next step for me was to visit a local dealer and I got really bowled over by the thingie. So bought it and I feel money well invested. Can remain connected from it all times. Can even use Yahoo/MSN/AIM etc.
Side Note: Use Agile Messenger for Nokia 7710 - It is free.
A word of caution here. this firmware is only available with Nokia Care, donot try to download the firmware from the net and flashing the phone yourself, otherwise you may be left with a really nice and useless expensive paper weight. If the phone is under warranty they upgrade it for free.
To see your firmware version. Go to Telephone icon, click on it and dial
It will show you the firmware version
VP : XX.XX.X -- This is the firmware version number
MM-DD-YY -- The firmware release date