I have been cursed and criticized on Mouthshut.com by some members who think that I am always settling personal fights in my review. One even prayed for my family and felt sorry for my husband, if any, he said. Well, I am a listener. I listen. I do selective listening. I have heard you...so here is just what you would like to read, oh my critics....my favourite Nokia Phone which I have been using last one year.
Cynic as I am, I will start with the cons of this phone...So anything wrong with this phone, well nothing I would complain about, maybe not having WAP handicaps it, but that doesnt matter to me, I have also seen the 6110, that looks good, and it costs much less, and I did I tell you about the silent ring tones. I dont know who finds it annoying when you put your phone in your pocket and you find that you have managed to press some number because there is no flip or slider, this is quite irrating for me and one of the disadvantages.
Weighing in a 79 grams...I wish some guys here dont care much about weight, this has got to be one of the lightest phones on the market. Not only is it light, but it is loaded with features...dont think too much.
Like most Nokias, this is a very well designed phone, its so beautiful, it looks like a sexy artists work, a work of passion, but I guess you can see that cant you? I think I need to tell you stuff you dont know...what your eyes dont see!
Well first of all some facts in figures may be helpful, it comes with a Li-ion battery, it is so small and fits wonderfully and easily under the cover and gives out 150 hours stand-by and 210 minutes of talktime, that is very good in my opinion, and the figures are correct for my phone...ok, they WERE correct when I first started using this phone.
This is a Dual band phone, with lots of features such as Data Compatability via an Infra-red link, I guess people that know what do do with it are able to exchange contacts and connect it to their laptop. Like other Nokias theres also those games, snakes, racquet.. snakes is my favourite. Try playing SnakesII at level 9 and try making more than 200 points!
As in most cell phones these days, his phone vibrates too, and you can program exactly how you want it to alert you, and save various settings (profiles), and change settings very quickly. There is also a large range of ring tones and I heard you can download some too. Shame some of them are a bit quiet...by the way I personally prefer Mozarts symphony...I think music # 14
I also like the brilliant menu navigation, there are so many menus and Nokia has made it very easy to navigate, just by hitting up/down and select/back.
I also have 8 voice activated dialling setting available, the system is smart, but not guaranteed. I find myself using the quick dial that is on most phones. Like I program buttons to do one touch dialling.
Nokia is ruled by artists and scientist, I guess that is the reason why this phone allows you to change its cover (front and back) by purchasing changable flaps and they are brilliant, but expensive, like a thousand bucks! But there are imitations also available...even these non-nokia produced flaps are expensive. I have tried both and I prefer the Nokia ones, the fake ones are ordinary comparatively.
It has a great LCD, which is preety standard and despite the small screen, it can display a lot of information. Network coverage is good, and I have not been cut off so far from my calls, except in crowded parts of Delhi and Bombay.
Overall I cannot fault this too much, this is a very sexy phone...