Good Points:
The 8310 is feature rich. I doubt that I will use them all though. The screen is bright and easy on the eyes. It makes my 8210s screen look very dated.
Bad Points:
Build quality is not the best. It feels a bit on the plastic side. Accessing some functions seem to take a while.
General Comments:
I couldnt wait to get my hands on one of these beasts and when my Nokia 8310 mobile phone finally arrived I was over the moon. Well for a couple of weeks anyway. That was how long it took for the problems to kick in. The phone switched itself off a couple of times when I was in the middle of writing text messages. This I could handle but then the other night, I was talking to someone and it switched itself off again. I have been unable to switch it back on. I have tried everything that I can do but to no avail. My phone is dead!! I am going to take it to my local Nokia service centre to see if they can fix it. They said that they will update the phones firmware.
Apart from this inconvenience, I still say that the 8310 is a good phone. It looks good, sounds good and the radio is a neat addition if a little gimmicky. If only Nokia had sorted out the problems before unleashing these phones upon us.