Original Review - Jan.13th, 2001.
After being taken in by the looks & the functions, which were exactly the same as my earlier phone, the Nokia 6110, I bought the phone bout six months back from a friend whod used it for 3 months himself.
Battery life is terrible, & Ive changed two lithium ion batteries since my purchase. I currently enjoy about 4 minutes of talk time before I have to recharge. What compounds my problem is that I use my phone for around 3 hours a day, so is little guy is seriously cramping my style.
The signal keeps dropping off, & I often get direct voice-mail reminders without having the phone ring once even - basically, out of range with full signal displayed!
Ive now learnt how to use the phone properly - keep it plugged in all the time! - Got a car charger & a desk charger for those places.
One advantage is the size - with the lack of an antenna & the slimness of its design, this little chap often gets lost in my trouser pocket.
The bottom line - a great pager, but a lousy phone! Im now going to choose between the Nokia 8850/8890 or the Motorola with the LCD screen instead of the keypad. Wish me luck...
Update - Sep.5th, 2002.
I forgot to mention that in a fit of rage, I smashed my phone against my bedroom wall in April 2001. For those of you who havent tried this, trust me - its immensely satisfying. Im not one to give into my anger so you can imagine what I mustve gone through.
The little squirt broke into 4 large & about a million tiny bits, after which I wore my boots & crushed the remains!
I now have a Nokia 8250 - you can check out the review on MouthShut.