Its great to give a review of this product. I just saw the same and also tried out some functions of it. well the piece is excellent. but it has no resale value. if u buy today and want to sell it even tomorrow u will get atleast 30 % less than the price u have paid. am getting one here for just rs 30000. also the same is too bulky. it will appear as we r carrying a nice compass box. . if u surf the web from phone it will be damn expensive unless u r surfing after 11pm and that too with bpl simcard. as it is surfing from your own computer or a cafe is much chaeaper. if u r not going to surf and only use it as a mobile phone , my advise to u will be not to buy it. if u really r fascinated by this product u can wait for sometime as the prices of this product will crash to much lower levels in about 6 months time.