Seems likethis phone is the forgotten child of the Nokia Design team. however that said it is still a decent phone.
The Good
Size : the size of this phone is perfect. It is comfortable to hold, not very heavy, and can even fin into you pocket without too much discomfort.
Battery Life: Battery life is quite decent (lasts for 2 full days plus some normal usage) How ever surfing the web and playing games is quite taxing on the battery
Phone use. Using the Phone is very simple because of the decidated phone face. Unlike other smart phones you do not have to fiddle around with a stylus or even a thumb key board.
The bad
Software: the software is full of glitches. It is very very very slow. hangs for no reason every once in a while. and the interface is very unfriendly especially when ur using the keyboard,
Screen: Not having a touch screen makes it cumbersome to manevour in the inner screen. choosing icons and buttons is very non intutive
Quality: The Build quality is not very good and hinge seems to become very loose quite fast. this problem has been faced by all the people I know with the phone.
Phonebook: For some reason nokia has downgraded the phonebook used in this phone. You cannot choose a default number like most nokia phones so if a contact has multiple numbers listed you have to scroll the list each time. the phone can only access either phone memory or the Sim and will not integrate the two like other phones do.
camera:there is no camera
So bottom line is that if you want a smart phone / pda that you will use mainly for making phone callsand occasionally brower the web then this is the phone for you. if u want to use it to view files and download emails all days then perhaps you should continue looking.
basically the Phone is a Normal nokia pretending to be a smart phone and will not deliver the goods.