This is not a phone review alone. Want to cover this space for my overall exp with Nokia.
I have been advised by almost everyone to go for Nokia. I did the mistake of listening to others.
I wanted a phone with Maps on it and most of the other phones require GPS/AGPS but the advantage about Nokia is that there are pre-loaded maps in some of its phones. Well, I bought C2 02 from Nokia Priority dealer, Crystal Connections, Kamanahalli, Bangalore. The internet specifications of this phone read that this has Maps installed on it(in selected countries). I asked the shopkeeper and he said it is installed in this phone. I bought the phone and found that maps was not installed on it.
I called Nokia Customer Care and they gave the steps to install the application. That could not be done as the Nokia site did not list the application installer for this device. Again called Nokia customer care, the person confirmed Maps can be installed on this and I need to talk to Nokia Care, they will do it for me. Went to Nokia Care, they said it can not be installed, please go to Nokia priority dealer to see if they can do anything. I went to a different Nokia Priority dealer who was next to this Nokia Care. He tried for 1 hour but to no success. Asked me to take the phone to the person from whom I had bought. Again I called nokia customer care telling them this story that nokia Care could not help. Customer Care now told me that maps CAN NOT be installed. I told that some time back your guys were saying it can be installed. The executive was clueless, he asked me to contact from where I had bought the phone. Went to the place from where I had bought the phone. As expected, the guy who had sold me was not at the counter and the others there told me that this phone does not have maps, I must have misheard. I clarified that I purchased the phone only for maps, how can I be wrong about it. They did not agree and I knew I will be wasting my time there arguing. I again called customer care and asked for a number I can talk to about this all irresponsible attitude. The executive said there is no such number and he will discuss this with others. He discussed with someone for over 10 mins and then told me to send this phone to Gurgaon. I again went to nokia care and asked them to send this phone to Gurgaon as instructed to me by Customer Care. Nokia Care asked me to make them talk to Customer Care then only they will do this. I called customer care and this time they said this wont be possible. Even if I send the phone they cant do anything about it. I asked for a place I can complaint about this, and the answer is NOKIA DOES NOT HAVE AN ESCALATION MECHANISM. If you are cheated once you have to live with it, no matter who so ever has done the mistake, Nokia Priority, nokia customer care or nokia care. THERE IS NO COMPLAINING MECHANISM AT ALL. I have a manual with me for the phone which reads Maps is installed on it. I had a dealer who gave wrong information. The Nokias INDIAN website mentions it in a foolish manner that maps is available in selected countries(then whats the point in having a dedicated country website).
Coming back to the phone, though it looks OK as of now, the touch is not very sensitive and the type is very much needed for some things like SMS(you can not sms with the screen), searching requires to slide the phone and use keypad to search for names. So it is not like Touch and Type are 2 separate features. YOU HAVE TO use both. The battery lasts well. The screen is wide and resolution is poor. The other features are decent including the organizer. Sound reception is not good. Speaker is not good.
The phone overall is a good model at this price.
To sum up, I will never ever buy Nokia again. I would prefer going for a product which is much more Indian(Spice or so), so that I can at least reach a complaining system for my ordeals. Even though the phone may be good but now I will never be able to appreciate any of the features as I did not get what I had looked for.