I had purchased a cell phone Nokia C6 01 on 27 Oct 2011 from Sangeetha Bangalore. Invoice No. : - SI/HSR/5984. After two months( December), the keypad keys were not working. On complaining, the nokia service centre took almost a month to repair it, as it was sent to the head office, they notified as handset problem. Again after 4 months( around june 2012), the keypad keys were again not working. Again the service centre of nokia took two months for repair. This time they notified as a problem in software after sending it to their head office.
I requested them to change the set as it was under warranty. They reassured me that there would be no further problem in future. But again after six months(march 2013), again there is same problem with the handset. On complaining to Nokia care Bangalore, they demand a service charge of Rs 8000. And now, my cell phone has exceeded the warranty period. You may verify this complain from Sangeetha delight. I am really angry and completely dissatisfied by this kind of service as well as my cell phone.as I am really pissed off by the cellphone and its continuous repair.Hope for an immediate response.