I had bought a nokia n81 phone on 9/10/2008 from mobile store in berhampur, ORISSA.
after a few days only it had shown "system error" when I tried to connect its wireless.i took it to the local nokia care and it took them TWO days to update my software.i was sent with an assuarance that it wont happen again.
again within a month it showed the same problem.i took it to nokiacare on 7/12/2008.they sent it to kolkatta because it had some hardware problems and they could not solve it here. its now 25 days, 6 visits to nokia care and I am still told that my WORK IS IN PROGRESS.
one person named rabi in nokia care told me that "we cant assure you of anything or how long will your set take to be repaired, you keep coming to nokiacare REGULARILY!"
now I am regretting why I bought a set from nokia