This is a sleek, candy-bar smartphone with 3G and GPS and apps loaded in it. The reasons I went for this phone was:
It should be 3G
It should not be a touchscreen (I am clumsy with big size phones)
It should have GPS
The fact that it has a 5MP camera and a front-facing camera, upto 16GB of external memory with radio and music only added to my delight. I was undecided about which colour I should choose: the white one had a brushed stainless steel back, but the black one had a matching black-coloured steel back. I found the coloured back more attractive. The phone is so sleek, it sort of slips out of my hands sometimes, thats the reason Ive put a lanyard onto it. (I dropped and broke my last phone!)
I am quite satisfied with the phone till now (just over a months use). The music player is good, with just about adequate volume coming over the earbuds that I use (not Nokia, ordinary ones). The radio reception is good.
The photos are quite nice in daylight. The LED flash helps a bit at night, though it cannot be as powerful as a regular camera flash! Night and indoor pictures are adequate. The GPS is very quick to lock on to your position, especially if A-GPS is kept on. Ovi Maps is supplied free for life with this phone (preloaded in the 2GB micro SD card). This is one of the most important apps for me.
I find the menu structure and navigating the menus quite confusing. For example, there is something like Home-Settings-Settings. What is that: settings for the settings? Another example: there is a setting for storing the messages on the micro SD card - it is hidden DEEP in the menu structure!
I dont know why Nokia provides such a short (3") USB cable. Are they saving money by providing less wire? If this is some sort of cost-cutting, it is ridiculous! It is so clumsy trying to hang the phone from an ultra-short USB wire!
A word about the manual: it is far from adequate, it leaves most of the complicated topics unanswered. Simpler things have been provided with more pages, I do not know why!