I recently purchased Nokia C6-01. This is my 1st mobile with touchscreen. I used Nokia 6030. I was quite satisfied with 6030 but needed GPS & camera. So I started surfing around. After spending a lot of time understanding features & specifications of various phones on net & shops, I decided to buy C6-01. I bought from Tata chroma in Ahmedabad. Surprisingly, Chroma was offering the lowest price – lower than even Nokia priority dealers.
It’s been little more than a month with the phone & I’m quite satisfied with the phone. I like all the features. Let me explain more details with problems first.
The battery discharges quite fast. I generally switch off the phone at night & don’t use GPRS, WLAN, etc. much. My phone usage is also low – about 5 calls & few SMS a day. So the battery lasts for about 3 days. But I think this is a general problem with almost all touchscreen phones.
The camera result is ok. Not so great.
The camera lens doesn’t have a cover. So I suggest to get a good case.
Now about the features. I like most of the features. The phone is quite configurable. My wife has Sony Ericson’s X10 mini pro with Android. But I like the UI of C6-01 more. Most of the apps are preinstalled (like photo editor, radio, voice recorder, etc.). I would recommend this phone for those who don’t use net much. The problem with Android phones is that the user has to download apps. Whereas Nokia has preinstalled.
The clear black AMOLED display is amazing. The video recording is also quite good. The home screen is very configurable. The phone is almost all the latest features. The advantage of Nokia GPS is the free navigation system. One of the best features of Nokia is the file organizer. Another one is the steel body. There are so many other good features that you can read from http://www.gsmarena.com.
The symbion 3 OS has a lot of good things to offer.
Update after 3 months: This is still a good phone. It didnt hang even once. Go for it.