DONT BUY this phone.
I am a hardcore smartphone use. Have used wilsdfire s, htc p3400, viva, E63 in the past. Now using iphone4.
Honestly, this is the worst phone I have ever used.
Signal reception - ZERO
Operating system - SUCKS
Front camera - SUCKS
Rear camera - Have seen much better 5MP camera on other phones(wildfire s) .Also shutter speed is very less, you have to hold the camera still for 2 seconds after pressing the button.
Phone speed - lags a lot. you wont be able to run 3 apps simultaneously. Hand around 2 times a day and the only solution is to pull out battery.
Memory card - you cant use an 8gb card coz it freezes. Max 2gb is what you can use.
Resale value - 3000 bucks.
Read about the problems on google. You will get more.
Better options:
qwerty at a less price - go for htc chacha
Same price range - go for wildfire s. its the best
want qwerty slider in same price range then go for - sony xperia mini pro
willing to spend a little more - then go for htc desire
willing to spend a little more then go for - htc sensation
willing to spend even more - then go for samsung galaxy s2
willing to spend even more - then go for iphone 4
but, DONT BUY Nokia C6-00.
i am spending so much time in writing this coz nokia has dissapoined me in every way(product design, as well as after sales service)
vivek parashar