It was hard time to search for a new phone while I was using nokia 6600 I had used it for 1 yr I was looking out for new one
I did lots of research, through net, mail friends , shop keepers around my areas I was looking out for a handy phone which looked stylish With all necessities which a business phone has without FM well, I bought this phone on April 07
I was looking for features like excel , word , pdf reader converters kg to gms currency volume areas A phone with all sorts of connectivity with support of memory card upto 1 gb. But it has more to do
I was surprised to c navigator option in this then we have voice commands It means handset will read out your email / sms / contacts though it is not excellent in Hindi version ;-)
Good option when u dont want to scroll down it has good navigator button in middle, strong and tough About multimedia it has good gallery option sit has pre-installed real player for videos and songs
it also has music player too just to play song then it flash player it has got recorder but it record voice only for 1 min but it has unlimited video recording min 1 hr until your finish your memory card You can use zip files here browser is easy to handle. It weighs 80 gms bit heavier side but handy
Till date I havent recd any prob in this phone its almost 2 years now just change your battery and body once in 2 years to use it more longer But I havent done it still I got it for 95K and its next version is around 10K I guess if m not wrong. So this is still sale bale product I guess E- series of Nokia is fund my next eyes is on e70