I am using this phone since a month.
i am SE fan. I was using w800 for 2 years. I wanted to take a business fone in SE but most of it lacks office or Edge & 3G feature together, if one is there the other is not. I love SE coz if its build quality and stability in OS
coming to this Nokia, for 12800/ - I am getting
Edge, - working 150kbps in Vodafone Bangalore, and almost 100kbps in Vodafone connect to laptop
3g HSDPA 3.6MBps (if it comes in near future, its useful),
Office - I can check my docs
Mail for exchange - my office mail works
512mb memory, 130+128mb (ram + rom) with 369MHZ cpu - its pretty fast to work with
decent camera and basic music
Browsers gets some of the flash pages and java, cgi script , menus
16M colors, even smallest text in Opera mini or similar application, can be read
overall in terms of features, its a great fone, a true business class fone, but small screen is a drawback. alos the entire body is made of smooth metal and no grip at all. it will fall easily from hands
but it reboots several times in a week and some of the menu structure are complex
I am hoping SE to get a similar fone or Nokia to improve the OS stability and build quality