Well this is my first review about nokia e 6. I bought this phone in July shortly after its official launch. before that I used to think what must I buy to at least compete with my blackberry friends. I always had nokia and always trusted on the brand starting from 1100, express music then c5. all phones were durable n never gave me any problems. in short I never went to nokia care before for my earlier phones, but this nokia pride of mine was going to turn into a grave sin read on why. now I wanted a smart phone and blackberry bold 2 and I phone 4 as well as samsung galaxy all were bit too costly for my budget.(all above 20k) I simple walked into the nokia priorty dealer and while checking out phones I came across this phone. its features really amused me. I went ahead and bought that phone straight away on 3 EMI on my credit card. the software had problem the second day. went back to the dealer he restored d phone by deleting all my contacts n data. only half of them were restored after reset. then came a major fault that was one side ear phone stopped working to my nightmare I found none of ear phone had right side working channel with MY phone. meaning phones right channel was gone. again back to dealer. he redirected me to nokia care . Nokia care guy took my phone for a day next day problem was rectified but now stereo sound had gone mono. it was left channel to both ear phones and right channel was missing. again they took the phone for 2 hrs n rectified it to completely. now yesterday same problem occurred.i went to nokia care. no lights or generator back up( IN A NOKIA SERVICE CENTER). they dont even have a spare phone for me so that I can submit my phone.i am a busy doctor with hectic work schedule and cant run to nokia care often. now I am stuck up to their mercy with a defective phone. while my blackberry and I phone phone friends can be happy about their moblies all I can give them in return is a fake smile and sense of fake satisfaction.smart phone is all about quality. nokia has failed in that.
pros. looks, design, features, cost and color combination.
cons . poor after sales, slow software/processor, 8 mp camera with average clarity.
LATEST UPDATE ON POOR NOKIA PRODUCT.last time my phone was repaired successfully. both side head set started to work but after repair I coincidentally switched on my radio only to find out that radio is not working on hand-free. Nokia care guys have screwed my FM. now Nokia care guys couldn’t fix it so they have sent it to Nokia . only I don’t have my contacts. verdict software Symbian anna sucks, small screen sucks, phone is boring. the reason I bought Nokia was durability and built quality that also sucks its behaving like a cheap Chinese product. only at a hefty price. cheap Chinese product.