First of all I would like to say thanks all the readers and writers for their valuable comments and reviews. I have written a review on micromax q3 which received many comments and response and now I am going to share my experience with nokia e63 my first smart phone. I am using this phone for about three months and I have not found any major issue with this phone. Ok not taking too much time I start my experience with my nokia e63
9/10 Perhaps anybody say that it is not attractive or stylish I doubt because as soon as I saw this phone and took it into my hand I felt very good because it was looking so beautiful and its build quality is superb it is a small brother/sister of King E71 and the difference between two is that it is built with plastic and E71 have a metal finish. But I never felt that anywhere cost cutting has done and build quality is poor. I think for styling it is depend upon you that what you select touch screen or full keyboard for me I like touchscreen phones only to show otherwise I find more easy to do with qwerty phone.
10/10 This is the area in which I can’t cut marks because it has a long list of features and anyone can write a long thesis for its feature so I will not go to discuss in detail however I would like to share some experience with most common application. It has all connectivity option as wifi, 3g, Bluetooth, infrared etc.
Most useful applications are opera mobile, google map, push mail,
Nokia e63 have all the feature which a smartphone supposed to have. Now I am going to narrate some important and special things about it which makes it real value for money.
- Push mail - this is the feature which makes my work easy because as soon as I got a mail phone notify me immidietly. you can configure upto 10 email accounts and I think it is enough for a professional. This feature makes it comparable to blackberry. And this feature is not found in nokia n71; n73 and many high value 3g phones of sony, samsung or moto.
Mini Office - This phone have a mini office which consist word excel and ppt so it is very useful for opening and editing email attachments. I use word for writing when I am on the move and I feel very good as keys are very good and feel nice to press you can also use shortcut keys as like ctrl+ c ctrl+ A ctrl+x or ctrl+b for making character bold italic or Underine. And think yourself what can you do with it as per your requirement. For me I am writing this review on this phone itself.
Radio & Internet Radio - Today almost every phone have fm
radio and its recording capability it also have but you will find internet
radio so you can hear anything you like just go and browse by your choise you
can search by country language or genre but you cannot record it and your gprs
speed should be good for me I m using bsnl so I get good speed and it never
reliability & durability - not have too much to say as all of you know that nokias
almost every phone is very nicely built. I slipped my phone many times on the
hard floor but no problem. There is no issue of scratches in your phone for it
is scratchproof. This was about hardware and for software I have not any issue
only once it hanged up and I had to restart the phone but from that time I
didn’t face it again so I can say that phone is durable, reliable as well as
future proof for at least 2 yrs because u will not find any phone in this price
range with these features.
Conclusion – So Friends
just go for it and