I liked the phone. It has wonderful features and I paid almost 13 grand for it. I expect it to last at least few years but it is 1 year and 8 months and they say it is irreparable. All of a sudden one day the phone stopped getting charged and I took to the Nokia center yesterday {Falnir Road, Mangalore] and the man at the counter tells me that phone may go dead while repairing and its written in the receipt. I read the receipt and nothing of that sort was there but he insisted that it may happen as if he was sure. My fault I should not have given to him because today he tell me that the board is gone and it is irreparable.
Now how do I know that the man did not change the board? I have a strong feeling the way with hostiltiy he insisted that phone may go dead certainly while I was giving that he tampered with it in the name of gettign repaired, knowing fully well he was not going to repair and hand me back the handset. Somehow I do not know if the handset is at fault or the Nokia Center man but now I am very wary of the company who charges me 13 grands and the damn thing doesnt even last 2 years. I feel cheated big time so if you dont want ur 13 grand down the drain in just one and half years pl go for another set.