After using cell phones for a decade now, I finally decided to use a Nokia, the legandry brand that every one raves about, I can now tell that this is my first nokia phone and am pretty sure that it will be my lastnokia phone.
You hear all these things about the reliability ofa nokia phone, the sturdy build quality and ease of use, ummmm, yeahsure, if you are a basic user just looking for a few features, youprobably are never going to move from Nokia, BUT . smart phones.advanced user . no way u can live with this.
I have been using smart phones for the last few years, especiallywith Symbian OS. My previous phone the Sony P910i was a rock comparedto the E71, I hardly ever had to restart the phone except when on aflight or other reasons. The E71 however restarts itself atleast 4-5times a week.
I have been using the E71 for over 6 months now and I can say thatI have tried to to many things to fix it. After initially buying apiece and fnding that it hangs too often, got a replacement piece, 80%of the time when you start the GPS, the phone hangs to death.
I even upgraded the firmware, and guess what?, the phone hange moreoften now. Sometimes when an incoming call comes, you are not allowedto answer the call or reject it, only thing you are allowed to do is toremove the battery and put it back and restart the phone. One advantageof this is that I keep the battery compartment clean and dust freesince I open it quiet often.
Apps are available in plenty for symbian which is a boon, installation is pretty simple as well. Speaker output is excellent andhas some good clarity. wifi works ok but hass several bugs, it creates several profiles of thesame wifi and keeps asking you for ur key time and again.
So the verdict, its an average phone, not very expensive, tries to offer you a lot that you cannot really use very well. Looks great and is sturdy, but whats the use if it hangs so often?.