Just some observations after owning the phone for a couple of months:
Nokia E72 has a processor and memory almost double that of the E71. However, the OS and application software are so bloated that the response time for the simplest thing like pulling up contacts is 2x times slower than the E71
The back battery panel slips (falls) off. Its held in place by a tiny clasp and a couple of times Ive pocketed the phone leaving the back-panel behind :-)
The frame began to creak in a weeks time. Phone has never fallen, bought from a reputed Nokia showroom, seals intact. Nevertheless the phone creaks. Took it to Nokia Service Station, very helpful folk, assured me that they would replace the panel below the keyboard in 21 days. Free. :-) :-)
Navi button next to useless. The sensitivity is too low to be of real use and the frame around the navi button is more recessed than the E71. Leads to frustration as you have to keep an eye on the screen while trying to navigate
The one touch buttons or whatever they are called... to cut a call or answer a call. Beautifully and stupidly flush with the rest of the phone. Meaning you cant by one touch use em. Youve to see which button you are pressing.
Software nightmare 1: No Internet Radio. Can install Mundu Radio which doesnt pull most useful stations.
Software nightmare 2: Ovi mail sucks. Too much struggle to configure.
Weird tiny spacebar.
Did someone say speakerphone??? Oh.
10. Of course, it hangs. Its like any other smartphone. Just a bit smarter so hangs a bit more often.
- Carry pouch??? Cmon.
So what worked well?
GPS rocks.
Headset is of extremely good quality.
Comes with a 4 GB SD card
Looks are good. Unusable but good looking.
Price: 19.5k. Its ok I guess, if the E72 had delivered.
Nice 3.5mm jack. Can directly plug it into an amp. Useful IF the Internet Radio app had worked
Conclusion: Sold for Rs.13k. Bought BlackBerry Bold 9000.
Bye, bye, Nokia.