On the fateful day of 15th April 2009 I decided to buy Nokia handset at Sikar Rajasthan.I bought newly launched model 1661 black color.
This turned out to be a defective piece.The software hangs(occasionally on its own-that means-the code error comes in security password menu- I have to remove battery and restart).The Loudspeaker is very dim and makes split noise and disturbance in the calling mode.
The body is badly designed as if handset falls even from 1 ft height body covers pop out from all sides and handset also stops functioning till body is pressed back in place by hand.
I complained several times online.But no result. I took this to Jodhpur care centre but they did not repair it.Could not .On top of it my database was deleted. This is extreme form of mental torture and harassment, negligence and high handedness.Nokia India seems to have lost control and sense.Success has gone to their head. There is no alternative but to dump this handset in garbage can and file consumer complaint legally now.
Beware -when trying to buy this model or any NOKIA at all.They are third class and not world class.Both products and service specially.They are arrogant.wont replace set.Wont even reply.Sets are mediocre quality.Avoid mad and bad experience.