- Windows operating system:
Anyone who uses Windows like me(I have 920) will agree that Windows is improving at a very fast rate. They fixed major issues with Amber update and now more update are coming with GDR3. To all windows users check with your mobile company before updating for GDR3 as there are reports that one might loose warranty if you update for GDR3.
2:Built quality and Display:
Its Lumia 920 with Lumia 925 screen and a huge hump at the rear. Think at such high price they should have given aluminum body. But any day phone is robust and display is excellent. Thanks to 2 GB RAM phone is amazingly fast.
1020 can be actually called a camera with calling and texting facility. Excellent camera.
- Price:
49K is too much for a phone that is actually Lumia 920 with improved camera. In this money you can get one Canon 600D+ Lumia 720.(very good camera for mobile) Think about it.
- Camera:
Camera is excellent. No doubt in that but it is also very slow. Forget taking quick shots(Thats the marketing gimmick, saying take burst shots- Not possible with such slow processor). It takes 4-5 seconds for each shot to save. Think its because of old processor. They should have gone for 2.3ghz processor in place of 1.5. And snapdragon 800 instead of snapdragon 600.
At 50K, one deserves 1080 screen. You wont feel the difference unless someone shows you S4, that cost 10K less. And Nokia knew that with GDR3, windows can support 1080 screen, they should have given it.
And all the people comparing it with SLR, please come out of dream. Even basic SLR cameras beat Lumia 1020 in photography. Camera is not about pixels only. There are lot many things. And all those bragging about about night photography in Lumia being better that SLR. Its a joke. Lumia has lot of noise because it just doesnt have the lens space to expand and capture the picture.
Its a good phone but at 47k one should think about it.
Update: Vine and Instagram coming to windows. Beginning of Nokia rise again. With lumia camera, not having instagram was an irony. And to all lumia 920 users, update to amber and experience much better camera.