I am an average phone user and was looking for a basic smart phone to call, SMS, click pictures, mail them and sometimes access Internet. After reading all the reviews on various sites about Nokia Lumia 520 I decided to buy this phone and the only word I have for this device since the time I have started using itdisastrous. Its been a total failure and pain and utter waste of money. Not sure if its to do with windows or Nokia, nonetheless its been a horrible experience.
I dont understand all the tech jargon so I will put it very simply-
Call quality and network connectivity is extremely poor, my phone is perpetually out of range and even if I manage to connect a call, the call quality is terrible.
Battery life is the worst ever. If I do not use the phone for anything stall, the battery lasts for at most 2/3rd of the day.
The phone heats up even after a 10 minute conversation, so much so that it is I possible to use it for the next 20-30 minutes.
Taking pictures is a nightmare and the click button has its own moods to click or not to click. No matter how long or less I press the button it just doesnt take picture.i have managed to click 5-10 pictures in the last 2 months.
It has no notification mechanism for new messages on chat application, well I have tried only whatsApp and it never gives a notification.
Now it has even stopped registering any call logs, so I basically have no clue if I have any missed calls
for the last few days it has stopped even receiving SMS and even though the SMS icon will show a new SMS when I go in to check there is no new message.
Not to mention the number of times this phone hangs and the only way to reboot it is to take out and put the battery back again.
Every time it hangs and comes back, it goes back to some random date and time and deletes any messages post that date.
The back panel covering the battery is very loose and keeps coming off.
I have had a terrible experience with this phone and would not recommend it to anyone.