I had a hobby to buy all new mobile phones which arrives at the market for the first time.
I bought this phone to know that, what is special in Nokia Lumia 520. And when I got this phone I just looked its appearance. It has a fantastic look.
when it comes to its harder it out so have a nice figure. But when I actually used it for two or three weeks I could find that it is not much like any android phone. It has a different style of mechanisam . which we cant swallow easily. When I tried to hide my some personal photos or videos the low me a dozen hello me to do that. If I have a private video or photo in that phone it will appear in the front screen of the phone. it is the future drawback of this phone I ever felt.
We all need is privacy right? , And I think no Mia doesnt do that. Maybe the other version, The new versions may have the ability to lock the photos or videos we need to hide. But in lumia 520 we dont have that option , so I wont recommend this phone for a great buy. Go for some another phones which has A private or secure way of securing our personal life.