I brought this mobile about a year back. It was recently launched by Microsoft. I stay in hostel and most of them are android lovers. One of my friend suggested that Microsoft is best when compared to Android phones as android phones are known for lagging.
So I brought this phone wit lot of expectations.
Now I am regretting. Because store for downloading is still at dormant stage. Skype and share it are not at all working. I am application lover whereas in ds phone it is disgusting.
But the phone has Carl zeiss lens. And quality and clarity cannot be compared to any other phone at this price range. as Im a photo shopper I can easily sense good camera.
Battery life is fantastic. u can use WiFi full day in fully charged phone. This is not possible in any other phones.
Heating issue no way. U take any other phones When u play games or when u r using WiFi it will heat up but not in ds phone.
Gorilla glass is of no use. If phone is dropped from side it will definitely break.
So my conclusion is app lovers dont take ds phone. For others it is full worthy.