Lumia 730 is a phone which has operating system of windows. Actually android and apple have over taked windows. this phone is easy to handel but there are lot of things to be improved here. first of all it is 1 gb ram that is very low.the speed of onternet and downloading on this phone is very low.the batry backup is also very low, it is somewhere around 2200 mAh that is quite low.i use whats app and hike and many such social medias so internet is working on my phone for 24 hrs. the phone camera is also not too good .6.7 mp only at this price range.and the main fault of this phone is thi is not upgradable to windows 10.only 5 gb is free and the rest is occupied by the aaps that are not usefull at all and they cannot be uninstalled also.the second main fault is that the store of windows is really very bad and poor.there are no aaps for windows.means many of the aaps which are in android and apple store are not available here.otg cable not 4g sim will work on this device.speaker sound is high and audible but quality is very low.resolution is very very bad.white color seems to be big and high graphics games are available in the store.very much dissapointed!