I had planned for long to get my hands on this QD thingie. I became a proud owner of one 4 days back. I wud certainly like to give a few tips fro first-timers. But before that - on the N-GAGE QD - it ROCKS !
Things u need to get:
1.MMC Card- The fone comes with a device memory of just 4mb, so you might ( else u gonna say the fone sucks) want to get an MMC card (a techie name for a flash memory card). These cards are available in capacities from 128 MB to 1 GB.
This is one important point I wanted to discuss about. I was a bit jittery( or maybe the card didnt fit properly - please verify this ) when I tried to push my 1 GB MMC card (Manufacturer NCP) through the slot, and it got stuck !! I cudnt pull the card back :( .. I had to rush to a service guy who pulled it out with a foreceps and told me that I had broken the lock :( ... Implying, evrytime I need to pull my card out I have to use a foreceps ( of course I will repair the lock) , so guys be careful while inserting your card. The usual procedure is - when u press your card once it gets locked and when you do it again it jumps out.
2.A Card reader- This USB device is a must if u need to transfer files(mp3s, sis files, jpegs) from your PC to the QD. This is usually a multipurpose device and can read from many types of cards ( even from cameras).
Things u need not get:
1.The Bluetooth Dongle : U need not get a bluetooth dongle if you got a card reader.
you can transfer all kinds of files using your card reader.( but since my card was stuck I got a bluetooth dongle - wat a weird name)
And the real one player provided by nokia ( on CD - you got to install it yourself) didnt recognize my mp3s on the card , so I removed it and installed ultramp3 and it works fine.
The <ahem>> Cost factor :
Fone : Rs 7900
MMC Card : Rs. 3600
Card Reader : Rs. 500
Blue tooth Dongle(not necessary) : Rs. 900
And as a lot has been sed by waakaw ( a very good review) on the software u need to install , ive got nothing to add.
So Ive spent four days customizing my QD and now its da dream machine...