It was that pahse in life when all your collegues ; your juniors and your boss have Shifted gears on the possesion of Mobile phones.Being an ardent Nokia user it was a bit strange to know that out of the seven people around you who have bought a new mobile phone 6 of them bough the Sony Erickssion models. Though I was late into this purchase spree, time and desire caught up with me and I decided to let go of my Nokia 6820 and scout for a new one.
I was sure to go in for a Nokia ;but had little choice w.r.t Sony Ericksson. I jotted down the features; compared them with all possible models .Jotted down the features I was looking for and searched for them with all the mobiles , then decided that I will go in for a mobile with an MP3 support; Blue tooth; ease to use ; good memory ; resonable battery life and 3G compatible( the next big thing that is goin to hit the human communication) .Surprisingly onle few phones have these features and at a resonable cost.
I settled for the Nokia N 70 ( music Edition) it comes with 1 Gb memory and 3G !!! the sony erckn one is costing a cool 18K ; the N70 (ME) is quite handy with a battery life of more than 3 hours. The black colour is decent and the size is not bulky as 6600.
The head phones can be better ; the two cameras r quite good , one of them is 2 MP and the other is a VGA one.
N70 ( ME ) good work and taking on Sony Erckn and beating it !