The Nokia N-70 is the first 3G smartphone of the Nokia N-series to be launched here in India and hence was launched worldwide with a lot of pomp and show.The phone doesnt let u down either.It is simply outstanding in its looks and camera.let me describe its features in order.
1.Appearance and Description:-- Well! Well! if u are on a look out to attract people moving around u and impress them this could well be the gadget for u.It simply rocks in its looks .It is similar to the hugely popular Nokia 6680 with boxy shape and with the sliding to activate the camera (which is not new to most of us as we have seen it in the Samsung D500 and other phones )The keypad is sleek and the screen hence looks a little bigger than it is.the screen size is similar to all nokia smartphones(6600 etc., to name a few).the five way scroll button comes with all earlier phone features.
2.OS:-- The Nokia N-70 till now hasnt given me any trouble unlike my earlier smartphones until now.this credit hugely goes to nokia for updating flaws in the Os which is Symbian as we all well know (all smartphones have Symbian).The phone however must not be loaded with too much and too many application for it will bring down the time to open the apps etc to a drasticall level.
3.imaging:--There u are.possibly the best camera phone in the present mobile phones in the market.With its much improved 2 M.P. camera it has broken the 2 mp barrier haunting Nokia ever since.The camera is to be complimented for every reason and would be the best compelling thing for u to buy this phone.The secondary camera however isnt the same as the primary and lacks that image quality.The Primary camera which is placed on the back of the camera can be activated with opening the slide and captures excellent videos and photos.The secondary camera placed on the front is basically for video calling as nokia claims.(I dont think this facility is availabe with cellullar networks here in India.It isnt available in The US either)both the cameras are well placed and the imaging applicating also well developed with various mode selections etc.(Basically an upgrade to 6680)However dont expect a basic digital camera quality .it may take some time for digital camera quality to be integrated into mobile phones.
4.applications:-The apps basically are the same with Real one, Music player, Radio(which wasnt available in 6600 and 7610) etc.the games also are the same.the applications can be downloaded and everything else from ringtones to games can be downloaded from the the net using the advanced 3G technology with lightning speeds.(the 3G tech isnt still completley available in India and when it will be available, this phone will be on its top if no other phone of its kind is launched which I dont think is a possibility with monopoly makers like nokia which launch atleast one phone a month).
Connectivity:--continuing its phasing off of the infrared, nokia didnt add Infrared to this phone also.With bluetooth and USB its simple enough to sync your phone.Everything else remains the same as in earlier smartphones with paired devices etc menu all remainig the same.
Entertainment:--A complete ent phone with music player and loud speaker u can catch many peoples attraction.With its 3G tech it is possible to stream live videos and other ent with high picture quality.(as mentioned earlier 3G isnt still completley avail as now here in India )However Download the ultra Mp3 or other applications for better mp3 playback.the real one player is enough for videos and play all real media.
</b The Nokia N-70 rocks in looks and is must buy if u want a better camera phone.But dont expect all which is hyped about like live streaming news, videos and downloads a t lightning speeds ad we need 3G tech for that and which make me to give 4.5 stars to it if available.There is nothing that u can fault about the Nokia N-70>
Go ahead and buy it for attracting one and everybodys attraction..Rule the world. Ome people have asked me for the price of hte phone.As on 14/1/2006 it is around 21k.But hey dont buy this phone immediatley as I expect a 10k drop within 5-6 months and this bringing its cost to 11k.Patience will help as amny buyers of nokia might have experienced.
Additions based on comments posted:---Nokia N-70s sister phone the nokia N-90 is a flip phone and is gifted with the carl zesis lens tag for its camera which its sister phone i.e.Nokia N-70 doesnt have.many of us have heard about the carl zesis lens and according to me it makes no differnece.The image quality in both the phones is one and the same.The nokia N-90 though gifed with a carl zesis lens is very highly priced at 29k.Also the maintainence of the nokia N-90 is a bit difficult for me for the reason it being a flip phone.The nokia N-70s mainatainence on the other hand is very easy.Believe me its surface(front) is scratch proof because of a metallic finish.You will feel it!!!!
(updated on 1 feb 06)2.Referring to comments made by elizabeth about the phone being called back as it seems to have developed a fault is right.i have heard about it and the nokia dealer(who happens to be my friend) also told the same.But I dont seem to have any problem till now.I also met a phone geek who recently came from USA and he said that nokia n-series isnt such a big hit as it is in here in india.i attribute this diff to the vast market in USA compared to india .i was surprised to find out from him that nokia 6680, 6681 and alike phones were selling as hot cakes rather than n-series in us as well as in europe.
Hey! do post ur comments and rate my review.i will be able to get u guys better then.
Anyways Nokia is the best
Thank u