I bought Nokia N70 in Feb 2007. Without reading any reviews I went to the shop and felt N70 more stylish and impressive looking. Seeing the price and the look, I felt this should be the best performer in the market. After getting it, there are lots of reasons made me to feel, this is not worth that cost.
Following are the foremost things I noticed:
If the total number of missed calls or dialled numbers or received calls reaches the maximum, what everybody would expect is it should start replacing the oldest numbers, But here in N70, it shows me that a call is missed, surprising it doesnt show from whom the call has come.Infact it doesnt update either the missed call list/dialled number list/received call list. So I manually deleted all the lists individually and then checked, still the lists were not updated. The final option I had is to restart the phone.Only after this it started updating Dialled number list/missed call list etc. This problem comes everytime it reaches the List maximum. This is the worst bug I have ever seen in any phone.
Keypad lock option is given only by pressing the power button and no time limit option within which the lock can be made is given
Whenever you open the Music Gallery, it will show list of options as All Song, Playlists etc When there are are some 30-40 songs in the MMC, it will show Opening popup and doesnt opens up the music file list. Again you have to press All songs to go to the music file lists. And if you havent opened up the music gallery for a day, it takes more time to go to the actual music list say 30sec for 100 songs
4.When a call is coming up and if you have accidentally moved the camera slider, the camera wont be starting even if you open the camera slider afterwards(after the call ends). Remedy:Asusual you have to restart the phone:(
5.Coming to media player, you cannot pause the media in Full screen mode. Pressing any key accidentally comes to portrait mode. These and all are some simple features that could have been taken care
- Coming to Camera, If you want to take a quick capture of some interesting moments, then it wont be possible at all with any of the N Series Nokia phones. Bcoz, it takes about a minute to go to the preview mode after the camera slider is opened.
Eventhough there are lots and lots of features available in this phone, I never wanted to try this out, The reason being its dead slow.Even for invoking messaging, it takes hell lot of time, that makes me to think whether I have actually pressed the key.
Ultimately N70 is not worthy to be bought!