Each time nowadays someone has a thing or two in mind for buying he/she consults various websites &/or friends to get a simplistic yet definitive review that would satisfy almost all the queries related to the product. That is what I did befire buying my N70 Music Edition cellphone 3 months back. Yet now I feel although to some extent the reviews I received were good but some issues that I now face were clouded before. So here Ill try to assist a prospective buyer of this product.
First & foremost the model design is good (although some complain about the keys located at the corners which seem to be a little difficult to reach). Although the phone boasts of having dual cameras...believe me you arent going to need the front one unless you are planning to use your cellphone as a webcam (the details can be found in google..if you even wish). I think itll be better if I mention the very slow bluetooth transfer from the mobile. I had even a bluetooth headset, using of which for 1 hr each day had a drastic effect on the bluetooth device of the phone. Coming to the software of the cell, N70 can easily be 1 of the tough contenders in the slowest mobile softwares category. Youll see why if you just try to open your gallery OR change a theme !
Some very common software applications like reminder, alarm, video ringtones etc. will not be present & if you are still keen on using them youll have to install them separately. For some unknown reason the Nokia Lifeblog as well as Nokia Gallery didnt work in my phone (said that the data to be downloaded from the nokia server was corrupted).
The image quality with optimal settings & without any zoom (max zoom takes pics at 0.8 mp) was a bit dull & dimmed. I have seen far better pics with nokia 6300.
Coming to the very last part of this review....the battery backup isnt very good. After about 7 hrs (considering youve charged fully before) youll probably be searching desperately for your charger. The phone has BL-5C battery & is warmed up every time I charge it.
My recommendation : Do not go for it.There you have it....a simple & perhaps a better review than you previously had. Dont forget to leave your comments !