Hello. I purchased my N70 just a little over a month ago and I am sorry to say it is a HUGE disappointment I had a Nokia 6630 which I have now as well and lemme tell you I think I can never think of a smartphone as efficient and fast as Nokia 6630. I am a true nokia fan and all Ive ever owned is Nokia. In the first few days I had so many problems with the phone - downloading, response time to opening screens that telstra replaced it on the spot. My second new phone was no better. When I spoke to the support line I was told this phone was the first in the series, has so many glitches that it is already off shop shelves. Im on a 2yr contract and it has been that bad that Ive bought a new 6131 (comes next week) and my N70 will go into its box to gather dust. What I want to know is if Nokia knows the phone has glitches why release it? Ive had trouble with the camera, wont download themes, wont edit my pictures, stores only a small amount of songs and then says memory full when it clearly isnt. Ahhhh and thats my final gripe about this phone. I think Ive chewed off all my friends ears with whining about this phone. Cheers : )